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Talk Me Out of Crazy

I had a “moment”.

Writing new stories, my debut book release in less than two weeks, reserving enough brain power for my part time job, laundry, the cat, trying to decide what to do about dinner, the unexpected times ten–I couldn’t. I’d reached my limit, and it was way too early for wine, so I did the only thing that made sense. I called a friend to talk me back from the ledge.

I whined, grumbled, stamped my feet, and finally got to the heart of my complaint through a question. What was I thinking when I decided to leave a steady, normal paying gig to become a writer? Without hesitation, she said, “Because you found your passion.”

Passion? No, passion had nothing to do with what I was experiencing. Changing careers had led to anxiety, insomnia, a mean coffee addiction, an almost uncontrollable craving for Oreo cookies…and a silver lining of awesome…most days. Okay…I grudgingly admitted she was right. Nothing does it for me like creativity.

It teaches me. A talented young writer allowed me to read a short story she’d written for a school assignment. It took me on a wonderful, spine tingling ride and left me begging for more. I’m impressed with her ability to tell gripping stories in a few sentences. I’m also appreciative of what I learned from her and that she was open to sharing her gift.

It uplifts me. I was given a glimpse into the portfolio of a budding artist. Edgy, mysterious, whimsical, imaginative—those are a few of the words that come to mind. Where did the ideas come from? How were they inspired? Her proud mom just shrugged and laughed. Limitless imagination can take us on an amazing journey if we quiet our judgments, open our minds, and let it all unfold into the unexpected. We just have to be willing to leave unnecessary baggage behind.

Creativity grounds me in reality. We all have the ability to create something. It simply comes down to choice. I’m not interested in creating drama, chaos, anger, or sadness in my life. I write to give the characters in my head voices in stories that I hope offer enjoyment, inspire conversation, emotion, laughter, and maybe a naughty thought that leads to a smile. My passion brings me happiness, and that’s something I want to share.

When life drives us crazy, we can’t throw up our hands and give up. That’s the time to love ourselves more, move closer to our dreams, and let crazy fuel our imaginations.

Thanks for hanging out with me. Embrace your passion. Be happy and enjoy the night.

Hit the Road


I don’t mind working out. A pair of boxing gloves, a speed bag, and a few mitt rounds with my trainer always makes me happy. Running, not so much, but if you catch me before sunrise, when I can convince myself it’s all a weird dream, I’m there. That was the case when I stumbled out the door with the man at o-dark-thirty, but running/walking my way down the road early this morning actually helped me to work out a few frustrations.

For almost a year, I’ve been going through the process of publishing Take Me If You Dare. There have been so many twists, turns, changes, delays and more delays that I’ve been tempted to give up more than once. I now understand what my editor and my writing coach meant when they said that the hurry up and wait nature of the business wouldn’t just help me to hone my craft, but it would also teach me a few things about myself.

What have running and writing taught me so far?

Show up and do it. Put your feet on the road to run. Put your butt in the chair to write. They’re both about making a choice. Some days it’s hard to do it, but it’s also liberating and empowering to show up for the things that make you better and stronger.

Live the experience. A summary of one of my favorite quotations says it best. There are people who would love to be in your tennis shoes or the chair that you’re sitting in facing the same opportunity. Don’t become so obsessed with progress, perfection and achievement that you skip over simply being grateful for the moment, the chance or the ability to be a part of it.

As long as you’re moving forward toward the desired outcome, you’re making progress. It isn’t about how fast you’re moving or how many words you’ve put on a page. You’re human. You’ll have days or even moments where it’s full speed ahead and times when you’ll struggle to keep up. Don’t make it about failure. Focus on taking the next step and maintaining a pace that is the right fit for you today. You’ll get there as long as you don’t give up.

Well, the sun is starting to rise, and I see lots of caffeine in my immediate future. Stay connected or leave a comment on Facebook. Make it a great day, and when it’s over, enjoy the night!

Let It Rest

On December 31st, I joyfully rang in the New Year with champagne and looked forward to what was coming in 2014. Little did I know that one of those things was insomnia. Not one or two days but weeks of tossing and turning while experiencing mind-whirling, heart-pounding nights of interrupted to zero hours of sleep.

With a background in wellness, I turned to every herbal and natural remedy on the shelf, but my body rebelled against all of them. By week two, I was lying in bed envious of every deep breath and snore “the man” made, and, yes, I confess. I did elbow him a few times in the middle of the night out of jealousy and not because he was hogging the sheets.

Even the cat wasn’t safe. One night, I was convinced that her blanket held magical powers that allowed her hours of happy sleep. Suddenly, I was willing to go toe-to-paw with my furry friend to take possession of it, but I finally came to my senses. She may look innocent, but having the pedigree of a rescued kitten, she’s a street-wise, four-pawed, ninja princess who’s used to scrapping it out with the best of them. In another words, she can take me.

Instead, I started entertaining myself with articles on all I was missing out on because of lack of sleep, and I came across a vibrational healing meditation app. In desperation, I immediately loaded it up and listened. I didn’t expect anything to happen overnight, but I did start to doze off for a few hours while listening to positive affirmations reminding me about my strengths and empowerment. In short, all of the things that I’d forgotten in favor of focusing on my faults, losses or what I hadn’t achieved.

I also started to realize that the bills on my mind were resting in the inbox, my clothes were resting peacefully in the dryer, and the next round of edits due on my novella were resting on my computer while I was staring at the ceiling worrying about them. Then I remembered something else that I’d forgotten. Faith and worry can’t exist in the same space. You have to choose which one you’re going to embrace. I started to make this my daily focus.

Sleep and life have gotten better since I’ve kept more positive affirmations in mind, but I won’t lie to you and say that I don’t snap at my own real-life superhero for leaving his cape in the middle of the floor, that writing and edits are a breeze or that the cat has suddenly started to poop roses. I just know that, God willing, I’ll get another chance to do it, face it or overcome it tomorrow. When the day is done, I’m focusing on having fun and letting my worries  rest.

Feel free to share your thoughts, insomnia remedies or late night hallucinations with me, but in the meantime, Nocturnal Nina invites you to enjoy the night!

Noctural Nina – Laugh It Up


comedy club

I love to laugh so when friends suggested date night at the comedy club, I was definitely on board. I don’t know about you, but I’m particular about what I find funny. I don’t get into making fun of people’s misfortune, but I appreciate anyone who looks for humor instead of complaints in the middle of a frustrating situation.

I must confess that Comedy Central along with a few series of Archer have made my day on more than one occasion. Do I like that type of humor all of the time? Of course not, I can get a good laugh from Disney cartoons, the cat chasing his tail to me putting a can of Lysol in the refrigerator because I was so distracted over an editing deadline.

One of the best things about laughter is that it’s good for you. It provides stress relief, medicine for the body, and needed coping skills to keep you from going ballistic when no matter how many times you switch lanes, the other one is moving faster, including the one you just left. Laughter is also great to share with friends or the person who knows you so well, that no matter what, they always get the inside joke.

The next time you have a choice between being angry, screaming at the top of your lungs or crying big tears, if you can– choose to laugh. Everyone around you might think you’re a hot mess of crazy fighting your way out of a really tiny bag, but who cares? You’re doing it for your health. Until next time, keep laughing and enjoy the night!

Hi Everybody!

Nina-Crespo-Facebook-Profile-PicWelcome to Nina Nocturnal!

I’m a “sun baby”, and I love being out-and-about in the afternoon but according to my husband, I’m also a reformed vampire. I thrive in the night, especially between ten at night and two or three in the morning. When I decided to write a blog, it just made sense that I’d share what I’m doing, what I wish I were doing or what I should or shouldn’t be doing in the middle of the night.

While you’re here, I hope you’ll take a look around There are a variety of ways that we can keep in touch, including Facebook, my newsletter, and if you’re into contemporary romance, my books. I look forward to connecting with you, and in the meantime, enjoy the night!

Nina Crespo - Author

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